Wavy built an event analytics page as a hackathon project, but it wasn’t used much due to limited data and lack of design. As customers used Wavy longer, they requested long-term insights to justify renewals. Engagement teams needed proof of Wavy’s value, so sales manually pulled and averaged data for presentations. New requests also came in for data on spending, department-level engagement, and event performance. The insights page needed updates to handle these requests and display averaged data.
2.00Insights Page
2.00Insights Page
We updated the insights page to display data over quarters, years, and all-time, offering a clear view of long-term trends. High-level stats are front and center, supported by graphs showing key data points across time for each subsection. Participation, spend, and feedback are organized into time-based layouts, with breakdowns by department for more detailed insights. We also added last year comparables to stats to help companies track their internal progress, rather than comparing against external benchmarks.
3.00Grouping Events
3.00Grouping Events
With hundreds of events in a quarter, displaying them over time was crucial—simple lists weren’t enough. We designed nested charts that let users zoom into event groupings by month, week, or day. This approach offered a clean, organized view, allowing users to explore events at any level of detail they needed.